The Worldwide Photography Gala Awards 2019
Category - Wildlife / Series
Honourable Mention to Vicky Funston
We are delighted to announce that Vicky Funston has received an honourable mention in this years Worldwide Photography Gala Awards - In the 12th Julia Margaret Cameron Award
The Worldwide Photography Gala Awards (now renamed as The Gala Awards or simply TGA) was incorporated launching an international competition for professional and amateur photographers.
Since then, TGA has provided juried competitions for professionals and amateur photographers from around the world to compete in five awards and selected thematic contests offering artists opportunities for awards and competitions. The four Awards are the Pollux Award, The Jacob Riis Editorial and Documentary Award; The Julia Margaret Cameron Award for women photographers, the Charles Dodgson Black & White Award, and the Robert Cornelius Portraits Award. The Gala Awards also organise thematic competitions, such as The Urban & Rural Landscape Competition, and the Street Photography Competition.
In this 12th edition of the Julia Margaret Cameron Award, a total of 760 photographers from 72 countries submitted 5,800 photographs for consideration of the jurors Julia Fullerton-Batten, Andrea Star-Reese and Laura Pannack. For more information about The Gala Awards
The following photographs received an honourable mention in the Wildlife category