The 3 key elements

Photography can be as simple or complicated as you want to make it. Basically, it’s a compromise. It is a relationship between 3 key elements.


Which ever one you choose to prioritise in your next photograph, you must compromise with the other 2.

But what does that really mean? Lets explore these elements and understand their relationship to one another. Once you've mastered this relationship, the rest comes easy.

Well as you are beginning to find out everything in photography is related. If you stop down one aperture point from f22 to f16, you are increasing the light to the sensor, which in turn brightens the image, so you need to increase your shutter speed, to reduce the amount of light getting in, to avoid over exposing your image and loosing detail. You want your picture to look the same but with less depth of field.

The best way to explain this is to see it in action.

Here are a series of pictures showing you how to get similar results with different Aperture, Exposure and ISO settings

All the following variables are the same for every photo shown below -

  • CAMERA 5 D sr
  • LENS 100mm prime
  • No FLASH
  • No tripod HANDHELD ONLY
  • White Balance setting - Tungsten

Aperture = f2.8 

Exposure/Shutter Speed = 1/5 sec

ISO Value = 500 

Aperture = f2.8 

Exposure/Shutter Speed = 1/60 sec

ISO Value = 6400 

Aperture = f8 

Exposure/Shutter Speed = 1/10 sec

ISO Value = 6400 


So what do those photos tell us. They show us that by changing a combination of the 3 key elements of Exposure, Aperture and ISO we can produce similar results. Obviously the depth of field is noticeably different but otherwise they are quite similar. They also show us that by changing 1 element and compromising with the other 2 we can still produce the desired overall effect we want. We have to learn how to manipulate the setting to make them work for us. How to prioritise 1 element and adapt the other 2 and still get the effect we want.

In contrast, the photos below show us, that by only changing 1 element and not the other 2, we get very different results.

Aperture = f2.8 

Exposure/Shutter Speed = 1/5sec

ISO Value = 500 

Aperture = f2.8 

Exposure/Shutter Speed = 1/5sec

ISO Value = 100 

Aperture = f8 

Exposure/Shutter Speed = 1/10sec

ISO Value = 6400 

Aperture = f8 

Exposure/Shutter Speed = 1/100sec

ISO Value = 6400 


  • Keep it simple and use your safe settings
  • Don't over think it, shoot and evaluate your photo.
  • Don't just click away, make sure you use the One4Lloyds rule - recompose the shot, change a variable (element) and retake it one more time before you more on.
  • Use the cheat sheet, it's handy to have on location if you get overwhelmed and too confused.
  • Remember - prioritise 1 element and change the other 2
  • If all else fails stick it on Program / Auto and let the camera figure out the shot. It may not get the desired results you want but it will do a pretty damn decent job. Photography is meant to be fun, don't take the enjoyment out of it by getting bogged down in the detail. The logic will fall into place the more the shoot, the more you experiment and the more time you spend behind the lens. Enjoy it and have fun.

- Happy snapping -

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